"朋友介紹Furry Kitchen嘅訂製餐,因家中狗狗有癌症, 病情會隨著季節,治療,藥物有所改變,餐單都必須要持續調整。我欣賞佢地係可以度身訂製,每次調整,都要報告狗狗的體重,肚圍和大肶圍作記錄,並唔係好似出面一個‘’ 癌症配方‘’,就所有貓狗都合適,咁樣我就可以放心。癌症增加咗照顧狗狗嘅難度,確保佢繼續進食有彈藥打怪獸係好重要,而且食嘢係最直接簡單嘅快樂,都希望佢保持到。Furry Kitchen每次調整訂製餐,唔會悶又能夠配合佢嘅病情同藥物,我好開心亦可以好放心。" Ivy Yu "食材新鮮 我兩隻狗狗都好鍾意食 睇得出係真材實料冇任何防腐劑 值得推介
"I highly recommend Furry Kitchen for all parents. They produce incredibly good quality and tasty food that my fussy furry girl (Poodle) loves (which is not easy).They always care my feeling when I'm stress of my girl's diet, appetite and nutrition. My girl has been eating Furry Kitchen's meal for 4 years, she is turning to 13 this year, she is looking great and healthy living.I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Furry Kitchen for producing such a good quality of food and being so caring. |
"第一次試鮮食,CS好有禮貌,唔會嫌我煩有問必答,仲好詳細。我屋企狗狗轉左你地鮮食之後皮膚同便便都正常返,十分推薦 |
" Furry Kitchen is helping us make a switch to a healthy diet with our new fur baby, Lili. They're incredibly kind and knowledgeable about their product.
They truly care about the animals as their customers. For people considering purchasing the cat line, our older pet is enjoying the food, especially the chicken and beef." Meaghan McGurgan
"Thank you Furry Kitchen! My newly adopted dog is having skin allergies and was overweight. Starting Furry Kitchen food three weeks and seeing huge improvement! Love the prompt reply for all your help Furry Kitchen |
" |
" 我個囡好喜歡wellness, 加在鮮食及湯都好喜歡, 多謝你地提供又方便又有營養的食品 |
"Furry kitchen 的鮮食餐,製作認真又豐富,狗狗很愛吃,老闆又非常用心,給予我很多如幫助狗狗的資訊,很感激 |
" I have been buying homemade meals from a few companies but Furry Kitchen is the most professional, with clearest nutritional labels and is the only one indicates even Calcium:Phosphorus ratio and omega 6:3 ratio. You know exactly what are in the meals and my dog loved them- especially Ms Lamb! Customer service is fast and great- answered a lot of my questions with great deal of patience. Will continue ordering from them! �" Winnie Wong |
" I did quite some research on the fresh dog food out there in the market and decided to go with Furry Kitchen after seeing they use great ingredients for their meals - both in terms of nutrition and the quality/sources (hormone-free or cage-free meat, organic veggie/fruits...)! My poodle used to be a picky eater but he totally loves Furry Kitchen's meals! A great alternative for pet owners who want to offer healthy fresh food to their dogs but have no time to prepare on their own. Great customer service. And the founder Annabel is so knowledgable in the pets' nutrition domain. Will continue to order!" Maggie Cheung |
" I’m sure Furry kitchen provides the best food ever, with the help of our vet, we were recommended Furry Kitchen, the long-standing skin problems were cured 2 months in, we are still in awe by their service friends m heart, the staff there truly care about our dogs and any of the staff we’ve talked to can write a book about just any random topic about canine nutrition! We have not experienced any service like this in Hong Kong for a very long time, only wish we were introduced to them earlier to save all the hassles!" Hayden Lam |
" Pretty sure Furry Kitchen is the best company providing cooked food of highest quality to furry babies. You can see chunks of lean meat and whole blueberries in the meals they prepared. You know that they use BPA free bags to contain the food, and you can see the Ca to Phos and the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratios of their foods from the company’s website. I am particularly impressed by the customer service they offer. I have the chance to talk to Agnes recently and I am truly grateful for the advice she offered to me on my pom’s dietary needs. She is professional and caring. Will continue to order meals from Furry Kitchen." Dou Ma |
" 上月尾上咗一課寵物營養由Annabel主講,我覺得好幸運可以認識Annabel, 她很專業及自信,原定2小時的分享結果玩咗3個鍾,Annabel好好人,她希望將她所知道的都分享給我們,獲益當然是我們的寶貝啦^^~課後我得到一些以前沒有聽過的資訊,我又長智識了,而且上完堂仲每人送上一罐Furry Kitchen的皇牌營養粉,我賺了:D ,今天想起我家2歲狗狗時常肚痾,我pm 了Furry Kitchen, Agnes回覆了我,簡直好似醫生問診咁,Agnes很細心解答我的問題, 建議我加營養粉比小狗應可解決,亦教我食物方面對應肚痾問題,真心謝謝,現今每樣開支高昂的社會都能維持這份心實在難得,謝謝妳,用後會再上來報告, 希望不久會再有機會上妳們的課堂或分享會,為我的寶貝再上學去" Caroll Lee |
" 我家Popcorn早前驗血,發現肝臟指數有點高及對自煮鮮食有點抗拒,於是找來Furry Kitchen為Popcorn安排膳食。 過了1個月,Popcorn再驗血,雖然肝指數仍未合格,但比之前回落了,而且Popcorn對Furry Kitchen配方十分喜愛,現在每天在廚房門前un un 叫,要快啲開飯。 謝謝Furry Kitchen。" Martina Lee |
" 正是我想要的服務和質素, Can't ask for more~" Renee Nee |
" 我自己都係煮野比狗狗食,但工作時間太長,所以放工返到屋企已經好夜,跟住煮野比狗狗食,煮得黎都已經變左食消夜,之前真係好辛苦,但而家唔同曬,因我幫狗狗轉左食furrykitchen的鮮食,食物都好夠營養及豐富,屙D便便都好好,真係好正!!" Kerry Pun |
"我d狗狗轉咗鮮食已經好多年, 一直都係我自己整, 一整就六七個鐘, 人都呆晒, 仲試過幾次整到手指抽筋, 哈哈~~~而且亦擔心營養問題, 驚自己整得唔完善, 終於比我遇到Furry Kitchen, 好鍾意佢哋愛狗嘅理念, 令我好有信心, 所以決定將呢個重任交比Furry Kitchen, 咁我就可以好輕鬆咁陪佢哋同埋帶佢哋出去玩呀~~~~" 小吉紅豆綠茶 |
"Furry Kitchen has become my 2 schnoodles' favorite meals as they gobbled up everything within minutes. It is one of the best things as a pet owner to see your fidos looking forward to their dinners, finishing their meals and asking for more. There is also evident improvement in their stool shape & odor, body scent, energy level, and texture of coat. Customer service is excellent and hope to see more variety of flavors." Queenie Tsui |
"Very high quality of food ! Nice service and follow up. My dogs love them so much. Furry kitchen was also nice enough to sponsor the BRING LOVE HOME ADOPTION DAY was being held in Happy Valley on 15Aug." Pamela Lam |
"我本身無養狗, 但都非常喜歡狗狗, 所以如果朋友去旅行或工幹, 我都會自薦代為照顅, 最鍾意朋友Furry Kitchen 既狗糧, 一包包好方便, 食材又係新鮮肉類, 又知道狗狗係食緊咩, 而吾係一粒粒吾知有咩成份既狗糧" Irene Jong |
"Donkey sits and awaits her food. She doesn't plow through it, she takes her time and enjoys every bite. On top of being yummy, it's also made of the best ingredients and is super fresh." Natalie Lund |